Prosuta po moruKao haljina koja plutaKao sveća koja dogorevaKao vetar 翻訳 - Prosuta po moruKao haljina koja plutaKao sveća koja dogorevaKao vetar 英語言う方法

Prosuta po moruKao haljina koja plu

Prosuta po moru

Kao haljina koja pluta

Kao sveća koja dogoreva

Kao vetar koji se stišava

Prosuta po moru

Među ribama zlatne krljušti

Među školjakama sedefom prepletenih

Među bačenim sidrima

Koja kidaju meso

Prosuta po moru

Nalik priči nikad ispričanoj

Pesmi izdaleka poznatoj

Miru skrojenom u kašmiru

Prosuta po moru

Svilena ćud prekor traži

Neznatna slabost zaštiti sklona

Stavlja nakit težak pričom

Težak srebrom i vodenim kamenjem

Prosuta po moru

Mirišljava kurva

Zamenila osmeh za času rumenila

Zamenila pogled za priču o sjaju

Prerezala venu

Da uživa u lepoti koralno crvene

Prosuta po moru.

Prosuta po moru

Dok je pevala pesmu sirena

Dok su moreplovci klicali

Zlatu i grudima

Prosuta po moru

Stišana smirajem dana i života

Sa svakim talasom bliža obali

Prosuta po moru

Čekajuci vreme koje prolazi

Ne uhvativši prolaznost

U vremenu

Prosuta po moru

Sebe izrezbarila zlatnim prahom

I zgrušanom krvlju

Jecajima mračnim

Nepuštenim na površinu

Prosuta po moru

Nemajući zelenu svilu

Ni riđu kosu

Na peščanoj obali oči su pekle

Prosuta po moru

Mirisom talasa po vrelom danu

I teškoj smrti

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Mirisima prošlosti

I starih ormana

Zaškripalih uz kičmu

Prosuta po moru

Ne sustugnuta smrću

Pojurena umiranjem

Danom pri izmicaju

Prosuta po moru

Sakrivena u sedefnoj školjci

Stapajući suze sa svetom

I jecaj sa letnjim gromom

Prosuta po moru

Zalečena u groznici

Primećena sa nemarom

Prosuta po moru

Ljubavlju sađena

U svakoj kapi

I mržnjom u blistavom zraku

Opasnom i vrelom

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Dok traje nedostižna lepota

I dostižna prilika

Koju nosi leptir iznad vode

Prosuta po moru

Na soli ispečena

Po suncu izgrebana

Na pesku razigrana

Prosuta po moru

Vrelinom noći

I jezom dana bez zvona

Dok sreća leluja

Na ivici zaborava

Prosuta po moru

Velikim zamasima rukom

Koja leti

Dok se zvezde prosipaju

A mesec curi niz nogavice

Prosuta po moru

Naglo pobegla

Tiho se vraćala

Obvijena kašmirom i smislom

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Ljubavnikom zgažena

Surovošću omamljena

Bliskošću uskraćena

Prosuta po moru

Vila sa tananom krunom

Svaki prst ukrašen koralom

A noga upletena talasom

Prosuta po moru

Nikada sažvakana

Mnogo puta ispljunuta

Ajkulama iskidana

Zlatnom granom pričvršćena

Prosuta po moru

Na vrhu prstiju

Na dnu sebe

I pored drugih

Dok se sunce potapa

A mesec guši i izranja

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Prlja sve suze sveta

Jednu po jednu

Negujući toplinom i strahom koji trese tlo

Prosuta po moru

Dok suze ovog sveta

Mirišu na ništavilo trenutka

I radost trajanja

Glačaju daleke puteve

Mirnih susreta sa sobom

Prosuta po moru

Videla zemlju i vatru

U jednom stopljeni

Dok svet gori i blista

Prosuta po moru

Mirisima svetrajanja

Budnošću nad sekundom

Blistavom i plavom

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Iskeženog lika

I pružene ruke

Koja vuče na dole

Prosuta po moru

Deo po deo odvaja se

Od srži i kotrlja na gore

Prosuta po moru

Smolom ulepljenih misli

I raskrvarenih osećanja

Koja se tope

I kaplju po ribljim repovima

Prosuta po moru

Dok vreme izmiče

Dok trenutak zamiče

A zamisao crta mapu po vodi

Prosuta po moru

Nista ne dotiče stakleno lice

Ni deca koja umiru iznutra

Ni ona koja nisu rođena

Ni ona koja će biti

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Obučena u prljave bogate haljine

I siromašan izraz lica

Sa anemijom kao činom

Prosuta po moru

Gde su pluća prsla

Osećanja gurala krv

Do kraja sveta

I zabacivala ih poslednjim talasom

U mračnom zalivu potreba

Prosuta po moru

Mišlju razlivena

Ljubavlju zadržana

Bacila sidro

Zarila u stopalo

Koje tiho ispušta ugruške

Bola i straha

Prosuta po moru

Mirišljavim solima

Vraćena u sopstvenu svest

Nad sobom oplakala

Sebe i druge

Opelo dugo, tmurno i lažno

Odnelo je lake sne iza oštrih stena

Prosuta po moru


U tami u sebi u drugom

Koga nema

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Prljavštinom blizu boga

I palog anđela

Priziva u pomoć

Da liže oderana kolena

I poleti kroz krv i prezir

Do belog platna

Krilima nagrađenog

Prosuta po moru

Na poleđini knjige

Napisana istorija sveta

U kojoj nije učestvovala

Nosila prstenje

Sama ga pravila

Od snova, boja,

plača i beznađa

Prosuta po moru

Na dohvat ruke

Držala crnu suknju

Za svaki slučaj

Ako do smrti dođe

Ako umre

Sebe da ožali

Prosuta po moru

Tela iskasapljenog

Uma nesasastavljenog

Ruku oduzetih

Prosuta po moru

Demonskom suzom prljala

Veselim završetkom čina lagala

I sa naporom živela

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Na dnu gde svet ne diše

Gde se kroje putevi

Sa kojih se ne vraća

Gde se mape raspadaju

A mudrosti shvataju

Prosuta po moru

Kao kurva na gradskom trgu ismejana

Prosjačila za malo života

Krila drugima davala

šake ispod jorgana stiskala

Prosuta po moru

Mirisom davnih putovanja

I blistavih snova

Probuđena teškim jutrima

Bez obeležja i granica

Prosuta po moru

Kao košulja iskidana

Kao kovčeg bačena

Daleko od srca sveta

U mraku plačom nevinost izgubila

Krvarila godinama

Sakrivala sebe od sebe

Pokazivala sebe drugima

Hodala po nesigurnim stazama

Prosuta po moru

Prosuta po moru

Prvom izgovorenom rečju

Raskidana kao

Suknja posle silovanja

Dodirom odgurnuta

Krvlju hleb mazala

Svakog jutra

Prosuta po moru

Bez besa i sna

Bez divljeg napora

Bez jučerašnjeg sećanja

Ne zna kada je postojala

Prosuta po moru

Na ivici pločnika

Sa slomljenom nogom

Dok je ruku u ruci držala

A krzno zubima čupala

Prosuta po moru

Kamenjem sebe gađala

Zenicu oka pogodila

Modrice kao ordenje nosila

Ispod lepog lica

Koje više nije starilo

Prosuta po moru

Rezala prst po prst

Dok je mirno sedela i pevušila

Rezala parče oka da bi videla

I nogu da bi protrčala

Kroz aleju

u kojoj mrtvi opominju život

Prosuta po moru


Zakucaj mi plodnost

Rečju koja ubija

Zakucaj mi misao

Pogledom koji prlja

Zakucaj mi krilo

Pljuvačkom koja curi

Niz izgovoreno

Niz prećutano

Zakucaj mi snove uza zid

Neka ostanu pljosnati

Neka ostanu prigušeni

Neka prestanu da sanjaju

Neka ostanu neosvetljeni

U muzeju poželjnih slika

I tuđih života

Daću ti krvavu ruku

Za stih

Za potez olovkom po telu i papiru

Za vazduh preplitanja


Daću ti razmrskanu lobanju

Za istinu u trenu

Koja trči

Koja beži

Koja boli

Daću ti krvave grudi

Za zlatnu misao

Za biserni pokret

Za širinu uzdisaja

I lakoću izdisaja

Za blizinu muzike

I maglovitost plesa

Koji tera zlo.


U mimohodu

Iza sanduka boje trulog zlata

Račvala sam um

Na delove prošle priče

I sadašnje legende

U mimohodu

Pored sopstvenog života

Vadila sam jajnike

I bacala u vis

Dok je romansa nestajala

I primala

Probrane zvanice

Svaku reč kasapila

Svaki titraj milovala

Svaku budnost prezirala

Svaki dan kratila

Slivala u noć

Koja je godinama trajala

U mimohodu

Nad sopstvenim telom

Naučena drhtaju pred smrću

Savijenom vratu pred životom

I lepoti koja je prolazila

Curila sa tugom

Kroz suzu neprozirnu

U mimohodu

Život je stao

Vazduh zgrabio

I ne puštao

A prsti krvarili dok su muziku krojili.


Uguši mirise

Neka više ne miriše

na Maroko u ponoć

neka više velovi ne obavijaju

osećanja i oči

neka vetrovi ne pozivaju na greh

u budoaru suza

uguši glasove

neka postanu tihi




neka priče ispod jasmina ostanu neispričane

neka cimet bude bačen

kao rukavica u lice

za obračun

tačno u ponoć

kada je mesec mutan i strog

kada seče obraz belinom

kada nadmoćno blista

dok takmičenje nemoćno traje

uguši uzdah otvoren i blistav

neka ode putem izdaha

medju belim čaršavima

iz kojih se ne ustaje

i ne prepliće više

bajka sa danom

i pesma sa noći

iz kojih se lako izvlači

uz težak odlazak.


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
spilled into the sea like a dress

floating candles as a withering

as the wind subsides

spilled at sea among the fishes

golden scales of the mother of pearl shells intertwined among

anchors tossed to tear flesh

spilled into the sea like the story

never told in the famous poem from afar

tailored to peace in Kashmir

spilled at sea silk whim

rebuke searchslight weakness Protection prone

put heavy jewelry story

silver and heavy water spilled stones

on the sea fragrant whore

smile replaced the class blush

replace view of the story of the glory

cut a vein to enjoy beauty of coral red

spilled at sea.

spilled on the sea
while singing siren songs

while the sailors cheered gold

chest and spilled on the sea

turned down at sunset and life

with every wave closer to shore

spilled on the sea

Waiting time passes

not catching passing

time in the sea poured yourself

carved gold dust and clotted blood

sobs dark nepuštenim

on the surface of the sea spilled lacking

green silk or red hair

on the sandy bank of the eyes are burned by spilled

Seascent of a hot day wave

death and serious spills on the sea

spilled on the sea

scents of the past and the old cabinet zaškripalih

the spine spilled on the sea


sustugnuta death pojurena dying day

elude when spilled at sea

sedefnoj hidden in shell fusing tears

with the world and groan with summer thunder

spilled at sea healed

feverish observed carelessly

spilled on the sea

love planted in every drop

i hate the bright air and dangerous

hot water spilled on the

spilled at sea during the

unattainable beauty and achievable opportunity

he wears bow above the water spilled on the

the sea salt baked by the sun

scratched in the sand playful

spilled on the sea

Heat of the Night, and chill on the silent while

happiness flutters on edge of oblivion

spilled on the sea

big hand strokes

flying while the stars pour

a month running down leg

spilled on the sea

suddenly ran quietly returning

obvijena Kashmir and sense

spilled at sea

spilled on the sea

lover squashed ferocity stunned

intimacy denied spilled at sea villa

subtle crown adorned every finger coral

and the foot is twisted wave

spilled on the sea

never chewed many times spit

shark ripped the gold boom attached

spilled on the sea

tip toes at the bottom of himself and

by side as the sun sinks

a suppresses month and surfaced

spilled on the sea

spills at sea dirty all the tears

world one by one

nurturing warmth and fear that shakes the ground spilled

on the sea while the tears of the world

smell of nothingness and the moment

joy of polishing distant roads

peaceful encounter with him

water spilled on the ground and saw

fire melted into one

while the world burns and sparkles

spilled on the sea

scents svetrajanja

vigilance over the second or shiny

blue and spilled on the sea

spilled on the sea

iskeženog character and provided hands

that pulls down

spilled on the sea

bit by bit

separated from the core and roll up spilled

on the sea ulepljenih resin and thoughts

raskrvarenih feelings that melt and drip


fish tails spilled on the sea

until the time slipping away

disappearing until the moment
a concept map draws the water spilled on the

sea nothing touches the glass face

or children who are dying from the inside

even those who were not even born

one that will be spilled on


spilled on the sea

dressed in dirty clothes rich and poor

expression with anemia as an act of spilled

on the sea, where they cracked the lungs feelings

blood pushed to the end of the world

and zabacivala them last wave in the dark

bay needs spilled on the sea

thought poured lovingly reserved

dropped anchor stuck in the foot, which quietly

discharged clots pain and fear

spilled on the sea

scented salts

returned to his own awareness of himself

wept for myself and others

requiem long, gloomy and false

took it easy dreams behind the sharp rocks

spilled on the sea

closed in the darkness within themselves in second

whom no spills on the sea

spilled into the sea near the dirt god


fallen angel invoked in aid to lick

skinned knees and fly through the blood and contempt

the white cloth

award-winning wings

spilled on the sea

back of the book written history of the world in which

not participated wore rings


ga rule of dreams, colors, and crying

hopelessness spilled on the sea


hand holding a black skirt

just in case

if death occurs

if he dies himself to mourn

spilled on the sea

iskasapljenog body mind nesasastavljenog

hands seized spilled on Sea

demon tears were stained happy ending

act of lying and lived with effort

spilled on the sea

spilled on the sea bottom where the
is not breathing world where

tailored pathways from which no returns

where the maps and decompose

understand wisdom spilled on the sea

like a whore in the town square ridiculed

begging for a little life


other charges under the duvet clutched fists

spilled on the sea

scent of distant travel and shiny

dreams awakened severe mornings

unmarked border and poured

on the sea as a torn shirt as a coffin

thrown away from the heart of the world in the dark

always respond emotionally when losing virginity bleeding

years hiding myself from myself

showed himself to others

by unsafe walking paths

spilled on the sea

water spilled on the first spoken word

as tornafter rape skirt

touching pushed bread anointed with blood

every morning spilled on the sea

without anger and without sleep

wild effort without yesterday's memories

does not know when there was a

spilled at sea on the edge of the pavement

a broken leg while holding hands and fur

teeth tore spilled on the sea

pelted stones themselves pupil of the eye

hit bruises as wearing medals

beneath the pretty face

that is not spilled ages

by sea cut the finger by finger

while sitting quietly and sang

cut the eye piece to see

and legs that ran through the alley

u warned that the dead live

spilled on the sea

ii fertility knock me

word that kills knock

I thought a look that dirty knock me

wing saliva leaking

series of spoken

series of suppressedknock my dreams wall


remain flat shall remain muted

a stop dreaming


remain unexposed at the museum desirable image and others'

life I'll give you a bloody hand

verse for the move the pencil on the paper and the body of the air

two interlaced

I'll give you crushed skull

for the truth in an instant

who runs that run

pain that will give you the bloody chest of gold

the pearl movement of

Sighs breadth and ease of breath

proximity of music and dance

vagueness that makes evil.


in the parade behind the crates of rotting gold color

branched I mind

the last parts of the story and present

legends in a walkway beside

own life I took my ovaries and threw

in the air while the romance disappeared

received and assorted guests each

word butchered

every inflection caressed each

despised waking each day Kratie poured

in the night that lasted for years

in a walkway over his body

learned tremble before death arched neck

the life and beauty that passed

dripping with sadness through tears opaque

parade in life stopped

grabbed the air and let

and fingers bled as they tailored the music.

ix choked smells

should no longer smell the morocco

at midnight, let no more veils wrapped feelings

eyes and let the winds did not refer to the sin

boudoir tears choked voices

become a silent

silent unnecessary

helpless some stories left untold below jasmine

some cinnamon

be thrown like a glove in the face

for the calculation at midnight

when the moon is blurry and severe cuts when

cheek whitenesswhen superior shine while competition

is powerless choked gasp open and bright

shall go through the exhalation

among white sheets
from which it can not get up

and more intertwined with the tale

the day with a song Night

from which is easy to remove

trying to leave.


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