I sa Old Traforda je potvrđeno da je došlo do rastanka sa holandskim stručnjakom, čemu kumuje i naša teniserka, iako to deluje nemoguće.
Naime, u svlačionici Junajteda je stvorena loša atmosfera, jer je Van Gal dozvoljavao Bastijanu Švajnštajergu, Aninom vereniku, česta odsustva zbog viđanja sa našom lepoticom, prenosi "San".
Švajni je imao povlastice i zbog povrede nije morao da bude stalno sa ekipom, a na utakmice je često dolazio privatnim avionom na sam dan meča.
Tako engleski mediji značajnu ulogu promeni na klupi Junajteda pridaju Ivanovićevoj i samo je pitanje vremena kada će na mesto Van Gala doći Žoze Murinjo.
And the Old Trafford has been confirmed that there was a parting with the Dutch expert, where the patron and our tennis player, even if it seems impossible. In fact, in United's dressing room was created a bad atmosphere because the Van Gal allowed Baštijani Švajnštajergu, Anna's fiancé, frequent absence due sightings with our beauty, transmits "San". Í had privileges and for the violation did not have to be continuous with the team, but the game was often visited by private plane on the day of the match. Both english media important role changes to United's bench and attach Ivanovic only a matter of time before the city of Van Gala get Jose Mourinho.