Posle priče o današnjoj pobedi nad Žilom Milerom u drugom kolu gren slem turnira u Parizu, jedan od srpskih izveštača pitao je Đokovića da li je upoznao Švajnštajgera, na šta se najbolji teniser sveta osmehno.
"Jesam, jesam... Videli smo se u Rimu i ovde. Eto, to je sve što mogu da kažem, ne smem više od toga. Vrlo je prijatan momak. Ja znam da je sad najtraženija tema za razgovor šta se tu događa, ali ako ste se nadali da ću ja tu da vam kažem nešto... Žao mi je, stvarno ne mogu. Sve što ću reći je da su vrlo simpatičan i skladan par, da je on fin momak i da su srećni, to je najbitnije", rekao je Đoković.
After the story about today's win over Gilles Muller in the second round of the Grand Slam tournament in Paris, one of the Serbian reporter asked whether Djokovic met Schweinsteiger, what is the best player in the world smile. "Yeah, yeah ... We have seen in Rome and here. Well, that's all I can say, I can not more than that. It is very nice guy. I know that now is the most wanted topics for conversation what was going on, but if you were hoping that I'm here to tell you something ... I'm sorry, I really can not. All I will say is that they are very lovable and harmonious couple, he's a nice guy and they're happy, that's the most important thing, "said Djokovic.