Moja najbolja drugarice, drugu, prijatelju, saborcu, saradniku, sapatniku, stradalniku, majko, pesnice, umetnice, genije!
Vreme brzo prolazi i pretice me jer imam previse stvari koje mora i koje zelim da uradim.
Naposlu imam puno posla, kuci dodjem u osam uvece, tp vreme provedem sa Kanako.
ili pricam preko Sakajpa sa Mikom...
My best friend, another friend, fellow soldiers, associates, fellow sufferer, sufferers, mother, poets, artists, genius!
Time passes quickly and overtakes me because I have too many things to be and what I want to do.
I have a lot of work naposlu , I come home at eight in the evening, tp spend time with Kanako.
Or talk over sakajpa with Mika ...