O deci...
“Odrasla sam u mirnom okruženju i imam neke vrednosti koje vidim da su sve ređe i ređe – zaoroavili smo da pričamo i sve se svodi na socijalne mreže, roditelji trenutno nemaju vremena da pričaju s decom ni da saslušaju njihove probleme. Kod mene se znalo da za vreme obroka nema telefona, pričamo o novostima iz škole, života....“
Ana ističe da ne žuri sa osnivanjem porodice jer kada se za to odluči želi da bude posvećena 100%.
“Muž i žena treba da budu jako organizovani i da podele poslove, da imaju pomoć... Čak iako se nema vremena preko nedelje, bilo da je to čaj pred spavanje ili nedeljni ručak, jer su deca željna pažnje. Nije lako, pogotovo u današnje vreme“, kaže Ana i dodaje da su i ona i suprug jako zauzeti – “Nađemo vreme da se vidimo, kombinujemo se, važno je naći vremena za sve, ali ponekad i stati.“
A evo kada planira porodicu...
“Polako, polako... Svaki put kad me tako nešto pitaju ja kažem – 'Je l' sam se toliko ugojila?'.Zaista mislim da je to divan period za koji treba da budeš spreman, toliko ima stvari i deca zahtevaju pažnju“, zaključila je.
O children ...
"I grew up in a peaceful environment and have some values that I see that less and less - zaoroavili we can talk about all boils down to social networks, parents currently do not have time to talk with the children not to listen to their problems. For me, it was known that mealtime does not have a phone, we talk about news from the school of life .... "
Ana points out that in no hurry with the founding family, because when this decides he wants to be paid to 100%.
"Husband and wife need to be very organized and to share the tasks that have help ... Even though it does not have time during the week, whether it be tea before bed or Sunday lunch, because children are eager attention. It is not easy, especially in this day and age, "says Ana, adding that both she and her husband very busy -" We find time to see the combine, it is important to find time for everything, but sometimes stand. "
And here's where family planning ...
"slowly, slowly ... Every time you ask me something like I say - 'have I got so fat?'. I really think it's a wonderful time for which you have to be ready, so there are things children require attention, "she concluded.