- Trudili smo se, nas 15, da je podržimo, ohrabrimo... - objašnjava Andre, čija podrška ima nije pogurala Anu dalje.
Ovaj Brazilac ne krije da izuzetno voli naše sportiste, posebno tenisere.
- Baš volim kako igra Dkovik, Jankovik i Troiki - nemušto izgovara Andre prezimena Novaka, Jelena i Viktora, ali se trudi za čistu “desetku”.
Čudno mu je kako kao neko iz zemlje fudbala nije fan nekog našeg fudbalera.
- Ma, pratim i njih. Samo nisu u nekoj formi trenutno...
I dok se Ana opraštala od sna o olimpijskoj medalji, bacajući u publiku znojnicu, kapu i deleći slovima i brojkom dva autograma, veseli Andre je sa tugom gledao u njenom pravcu. Njegova heriona je još jednom razočarala
- We tried, 15 of us that support, encourage ... - explains Andre, whose support has not pushed Anu on.
This does not hide the fact that Brazil's extremely likes our athletes, especially tennis players.
- Just like that game Dkovik, and Jankovik troika - clumsily pronounced Andre surname Novak, Jelena and Victor, but she's trying to clean "ten".
Weird him that as someone from a country of football is not a fan of some of our players.
- Ma, I follow them. Just not in a form at the moment ...
And while Ana condoned by the dream of an Olympic medal, throwing the audience sweatband, cap and distributing letters and numbers two autographs, looking forward Andre watched with sadness in her direction. His heroin was once again disappointed