Manastir Novo Hopovo / Novo Hopovo Monastery
Location: Fruška Gora mountain, Serbia
Period: XVI vek / XVI century
Posted by Mili Chak
Manastir Novo Hopovo je početkom 16. veka osnovan u srcu Fruške Gore, kao zadužbina despota Đurđa Brankovića na ostacima nekadašnjeg zdanja. Manastir Hopovo je bio značajno kulturno sedište, a izvesno vreme i sedište episkopije i manastirske škole, u kojoj je boravio Dositej Obradović.
Manastir Novo Hopovo je jedan od najvećih hramova među 16 srednjovekovnih manastira na Fruškog Gori. Po arhitekturnoj vrednosti i monumentalnom fresko-slikarstvu, manastir Hopovo predstavlja jednu od najznačajnijih sakralnih građevina svoje epohe. Posebnu pažnju privlači arhitektura hrama Novo Hopovo jer je nepoznati graditelj uspeo da objedini tradicionalni moravski graditeljski stil i elemente evropske i islamske sakralne umetnosti. Centralni deo manastirske crkve u Novom Hopovu je oslikao 1608. godine nepoznati umetnik, verovatno školovan u Svetoj Gori, dok su freske u priprati radili drugi majstori, oko 1654. godine. Manastir Novo Hopovo je negovao kult svetog ratnika Teodora Tirona, čije mošti se od 16. veka do danas čuvaju ispred oltara.
Hopovo Monastery was founded in the heart of the Fruska Gora Mountain, on the ramparts of an earlier church, in the early 16th century as the legacy of despot Djordje Brankovic. Hopovo Monastery used to be a strong cultural and educational center, for certain period of time seat of the episcopate and Monastery School, and residence of famous cultural inventor and writer Dositej Obradovic.
Hopovo Monastery is one of largest Monasteries among sixteen Medieval Monasteries on Fruška Gora Mountain. For its architectural values and monumental fresco paintings Novo Hopovo Monastery ranks amongst the most important Serbian religious structures of the era. Architecture of the Church attracts special attention as the unknown master succeeded in unique combination of the traditional Morava style of architecture and elements of the European and Islamic sacral arts. The central part of the Novo Hopovo Monastery church had been fresco painted by an unknown talented master, probably from the Mount Athos, in 1608, while frescoes in narthex date from around 1654. Novo Hopovo Monastery was always respecting the cult of Saint Warrior Theodores Tyrone and keeps the Holy relics of the Saint in the large coffin in front of the altar.