Inace, ovde je situacija prilicno dramaticna.
Necu da laze da mirise na novi rat, ali sve je moguce, pogotovo ako nam EU ne da datum,
Ma ti znas to sve bolje, Nadam se da ce se ici i dalje na pregovore, sto je sada mnogo realnije.
Gledaj sto duze da ostanes tamo, a i kada istakne mandat sigumo ces ostati u istom poslu, mozda u nekoj drugojzemlji.
Uf, pricao mi je Zeljko ( a i ti si ranije, ali me on podsetio) kako te je ova odrala.
Potpuno ludilo od zene. Gledaj bar sad nesto da prostedis
Anyway, here is the situation quite dramatically.
I'm not gonna lie to smell of a new war, but anything is possible, especially if the EU has to date, however
you know it better, I hope you will go further in the negotiations, it is now much more realistic.
watch the longer you stay there, and when you point out the mandate certain as you stay in the same job, perhaps in a drugojzemlji.
uh, told me Zeljko (and you're early,but he reminded me) and how this skinned.
utter madness of women. Look now at least something to prostedis