several times I zvoa phone, trying to log eano the TAC.
el see my failure on phone calls?
us do, anyway, and I'm sick, the same as the common cold bgdu.
bes matter, all is ok.
I read your posts and wanted to talk about to your life.
anything theatrical.
well you postupola but being blasted off, which is likely to be necessary to open the same
question and every time.
I just hope it was not very dramatic and destructive.
I'm very happy for performances, movies (?) lecture l Eng.
tail does not know how to send the money nor am I sufficiently, Otherwise I BARALIĆ in bgdu 60e
back to me he (you) borrowed when you were in trouble.
I will ask Vovu but will create an awkward situation.
do you have any other way to survive?
pisi me in the mail, I'll reply, do not worry.
hear through Skype!
keep the patriotism and not worry about it!