Inače, Bastijan Švajnštajger veoma je zavoleo Srbiji i njenu prestonicu, u kojoj boravi treći put. Prvi put ga je Ana izvela u restoran u Zemunu, a drugi put je došao da zajedno proslave njen rođendan, kad ih je Kurirov paparaco prvi uslikao. Veza Ivanovićeve i Švajnštajgera otkrivena je u avgustu prošle godine, kad su, držeći se za ruke, prošetali ulicama Njujorka. Njih je upoznala ćerka srpskog košarkaškog trenera Svetislava Pešića, a otkad je obelodanjeno da su zajedno, interesovanje svetskih medija za njihovu vezu ne jenjava.
Otherwise, Bastian Schweinsteiger is very loved Serbia and its capital, in which resides the third time. It was first performed in Ana restaurant in Zemun, and the second time came together to celebrate her birthday, when the courier's first paparazzi snapped. Connection Ivanovic and Schweinsteiger was discovered in August last year, when, holding hands, walked the streets of New York. They met the daughter of Serbian basketball coach Svetislav Pesic, and ever since he disclosed that together, the interest of the world media about their relationship does not subside.