Uz sve to fanovi njenog supruga optužili su je da je ona kriva za lošu igru Bastijana na Svetskom prvenstvu u fudbalu, a okarakterisali su je i kao osobu zbog koje je on otišao iz nacionalnog tima. Švajnštajger je poslednjih 12 godina bio standardni član aktuelnog svetskog prvaka i polufinaliste na nedavnom Evropskom prvenstvu. Od 2008. godine bio je kapiten ekipe. Odigrao je 120 utakmica i postigao 24 gola, a pojedini nemački mediji ovu odluku Švajnštajgera podržali su uz komentar da je postupio ispravno prepustivši svoje mesto nekom mlađem i dodali da u ovom slučaju važi stara izreka Ko nema sreće u kartama, ima u ljubavi, pošto se nedavno venčao sa srpskom teniserkom Anom Ivanović. Međutim, ima i onih koji smatraju da je Švajnštajger mogao još da pruži nacionalnom timu Nemačke, bez obzira na to što je, kako im se čini, fudbal stavio u drugi plan od kada se oženio.
With all that fans have accused her husband that she was to blame for Bastijana pitch at the World Cup in soccer, and they characterize as a person for whom he left the national team. Schweinsteiger is the last 12 years has been a regular feature of the current world champion and semifinalists at the recent European Championships. From 2008 he was a captain. He played 120 matches and scored 24 goals, and some German media this decision Schweinsteiger were supported with the comment that it is the right thing leaving its place to a younger and added that in this case the old saying is true When no luck in the cards, there is love, since recently married to Serbian tennis player Ana Ivanovic. However, there are those who believe that Schweinsteiger could still provide the national team of Germany, no matter what it is, how it feels, put football into the background since he got married.