Danas sam ceo dan spavala, posto nocas nisam mogla I ustala I sereca se se cratila ;)))
Zezam hopija, spremam stan, preuredila nekadasnju b sobu, u kojoj je doduse jos njegov
Namestaj, ali sam dodala gomilu detalja I ispremestala stvari tako da darem osnovne linije lice na ostatak stana, ne kombinaciju kancelarije i bolnice. Opet sam se satavila sa samom sobom.
Osecala sam se u rodjenoj kuci suvsno. Pocinjemo ovih dana da radimo baletsku predstavu i tako…ne znam dal sam ja postala kucka kada sam se ovako brzo oporavila, ili sam se samo toliko najela govana da nema vise gde da stane…voli te csakad ;)))
Today I slept all day, after tonight and I could not stand up and be a SEREC cratila ;)))
kidding Hopi, ready apartment, redecorated This ex b room, which is admittedly still
his furniture, but I added a bunch of details and things ispremestala so Darem baseline face the rest of the apartment, not a combination of offices and hospitals. Again I satavila with itself.
I felt it in my own home suvsno. these days are starting to do ballet and so ... I do not know if I become a bitch when I recovered so quickly, and I just ate so much shit that no longer fit ... where love and csakad ;)))