samo da ti se javim, da te pitam kako si. Radi bih ti odgovorio na e-mail ali je mnogo kompleksno sve sto si napisla.
Pevi deo razuem: mislio sam da ti osim "brige i podrske" i bazicnom smilu, treba i ljubav i paznja, ali znam da je to,
kada "egzistencija zakuca na vrata" manje bitno.
Nikada nisam bio deo ni jednog zatvorenog kruga, osim, ako mislis, da sam po definiciji, nesvesno,
deo toga jer sam rodjen i odrastao i Bgdu, U tom kontekstu razumem, ali opet,
postajao sam i deo novih "krugova" na primer, druzio sam se sa Subijem i Boletom "iako" su iz Ooo-sii-jeee-ka.
lli vec ne znam s kim i sta... to ne znaci da se ti nisi trudila... Deda i ja imamo razlicita vidjenja, ali aj' sad' pricacemo i tome...
Slazem, se i celosti da su realnost sirmastvo i jad, ali ne zato sto sve ostalo nije, ne zato sto ja "nisam" u toj realnosti, nego zato sto se siromastvo skriva i potiskuje i ne vidi...
gura se u drugi plan i nikog ne interesuje, kao ruzna devojka...vide se samo one koje blistaju, koje su sexy i "uvek dobro raspolozene"
koga briga za one koje se ne osmehuju i koje nisu "slatke" - e isto je tako sa siromasnim slojevima i cinjenicom da je najveci deo celog,
globalnog, stanovnistva i dalje, VEOMA siromasan...Bas zabole Nemce, ili Amerikance za bedu u svetu...itd...
Ali ja tu realnost znam i nikada je nisam zaboravio. Medjutim, jasnom mi je da ti tu realnost zivis i
da ti je veoma tesko...ali to je razlog vise da se "iskobeljas" - da "prestanes" da "poboljevas", da
otkrijes sta i kako, bez obzira da je fizicki ili metafizicki, da se oslobodis, ako mozes, booolovaanja
i da zaplovis prema napolje.
Razumem da ti B dodje kao nuzno zlo i nemoj oko taga da se sekiras. Samo gledaj da sebi ne naudis, i,
koliko je moguce, da razvijas "pozitivna osecanja" i da makar taj " ortakluk" funkcionlse pa da tii to na seki
nacin bude lepo, ako je to ikako moguce izvesti i tako salgedati.
Ja sam dobro, puno radim, zavrsio sam jedam izvestaj za proslu godinu, kazu za odlicnu ocenu,
slede JOS DVA i plan za sledecu godinu i jos jedan obrazac za ocenjivanje... ne znam ima li lraja
papirima i ocenjicanju...kao ek sav smo toliko izlozeni ocenjicanju i merenju da je to tesko fizicki
sve obraditi i zadovoljiti tu masineriju dovoljnom kolicinom papira i informacija...
Sa K mi he zanimljivo. l moram da ti pricam, ne vredi preko mail-a.. tek, nema osobe koja nema
neku falinku ili neko ludilo, makar s vremena na vreme... ali mi je najzanimljive da to otkrijem,
ili da ima! Asortiman i kreativnost su beslrajni, i iskreno, sve me to zabavlja, uoptemi vise nije vazno
hoce li da bude "forever" i sta he ko hteo, mislio da kaze i sta hoce i zivotu, i kako, a gde sam tu
ja...ja imam svoj zivot i pravac, sam ili sa nekim...s partnerom ili bez njega..
just wanted to call you, ask you how you are. I answered for you by e-mail, but a lot of complex everything you write.
pevi of me at a disadvantage: I thought you apart of "care and support" the basic sense, if need love and attention, but I know that it is, when
"existence knock on the door" somewhat important.
I've never been part of any closed circuit, except if you think that I am, by definition, unconscious,
part of it because I was born and raised bgdu and, in this context, I understand, but again,
I became part of the new "circles" for example, I was hanging out with subijem and Bolet "even though" from ooo-sii-yeah-ka.
Or do not already know who and what ... This does not mean that you're not trying ... Grandpa and I have different points of views, but the case 'now' and we'll talk it ...
I agree, and that the whole reality sirmastvo and sorrow,not because everything else is, not because I "never" in this reality, but because poverty is hidden and suppressed and does not see ...
is pushed into the background and no one is interested in such an ugly girl ... see only the ones that shine, that are sexy and "always good-humored"
who cares for those who can not smile and not "sweet" - is the same as with the poor and the fact that most of all,
global, population still very poor ... just do not give the Germans or Americans for misery in the world ... so ...
but I know the reality and I never forgot it. However, I understand that you're living the reality
and you're very difficult ...but it is one more reason to "iskobeljas" - to "quit" to "poboljevas" to
find out what and how, regardless of the physical or metaphysical, to let go, if you can, booolovaanja
and sailed outward.
I understand that you come b as a necessary evil and do some to worry that tag. Just watch that you hurt yourself is not, and
as far as possible,to develop a "positive feelings" and even the "partnership" funkcionlse so that it tii
seki way to be nice, if at all possible, and so salgedati.
I'm good, I work a lot, I'm done for the past jedam report year, according to an excellent score, followed by two more
and plan for next year and another form of assessment ... I do not know whether lraja
Securities and ocenjicanju ...ek as we all are so exposed ocenjicanju and measuring it is difficult to physically handle and
all the equipment needed to meet the sufficient quantity of paper and information ...
k with me he interesting. l have to tell you, is not worth by e-mail .. yet, there is no person who is not an imperfection
or a madness, even if from time to time ... But to me the most interesting to find out, or to have
!range and creativity are beslrajni, and frankly, all of me is amused, uoptemi
no longer matters whether it is "forever" and who wanted what he thought to say and what they want and life, and how and where I am there
I ... I have my own life and direction, alone or with a partner ... with or without him ..