Potez sezone: Ana Ivanović neće da igra za Srbiju Izvor: Tanjug/AP Photo/Tertius Pickard
Ana Ivanović, trenutno najbolja srpska teniserka, priredila je neprijatno iznenađenje srpskoj reprezentaciji u Fed kupu i selektorki Tatjani Ječmenici.
Naime, kako je Ječmenica izjavila za Žurnal, Ivanovićeva ju je obavestila da ne može da igra protiv Španije, jer je prezauzeta.
"Objasnila mi je da formira novi tim, da je već prijavila turnire na kojima će da igra, da je olimpijska godina i da mora da se priprema za veoma napornu sezonu", rekla je selektorka Ječmenica.
The move season: Ana Ivanovic will play for Serbia Source: Beta / AP Photo / Tertius Pickard
Ana Ivanovic, currently the best Serbian tennis player, has prepared a nasty surprise Serbian national team in the Fed Cup and a curator Tatjana Ječmenica.
Namely, as Ječmenica told the Journal, Ivanovic she was informed that he could not play against Spain, because it is too busy.
"She explained that forming a new team that is already reported tournaments that will not play, it's an Olympic year and that has to be prepared for a really tough season "said selector Ječmenica.