Cao sanjice
Puno ti hvala! Bas si prava OZNA. Stat i kazes na celu pricu? Pored celog busanja u grudi o svom novcu, stanu, pozicijama u drustvu ode zena u Afriku…i ostavi dete.. jos ispade da sam ja kriv sto dete nije sa njom. A zna se…Gabon, obecana zemlja, 29 lekara na 100,000 stanovnika, u celosti zavise ob izvoza nafte, dosta AIDS-a i tako…
Ne kazem da mozda u buducnosti necu dobiti sluzbu u nekoj bezveze zemlji, ali imajuci u vidu da je dete ne interesuje, da je nasla svalera koji ima dvoje dece (bitno je da je Francuz…) i da tokom dana mora da radi, zivo me zanima kako bi brinula o Mili! Ha ha! Komedija! Mislim da ne bi bilo nacina da se o njoj brine na normalan i adekvatan nacin ni u Beogradu a KAMO-LI u Gabonu, Smesno
Zivo me zanima tvoje misljenje ali nemam nameru da te opterecujem.
Hvala jos jenom i cujemo se!
hi Sanjice
thank you very much! you're so right mark. stat and tell the whole story? tillering in addition to the entire breast of his money, and position of women in society go to Africa ... and leave the child .. It turns out that even my fault that the child is not with her. and we know ... Gabon, the promised land, 29 doctors per 100,000 people, completely dependent on oil exports ob, lot AIDS and so ...
I'm not saying that maybe in the future I will not get service in a country sucks, but keeping in mind that the child is not interested, she found another man who has two children (it is essential that the French ...) and that the day has to work, I am deeply interested in how to take care of God! ha ha! Comedy! I think there would be ways to take care of it in a normal and proper manner in Belgrade-let alone whether in Gabon, funny
I am deeply interested in your opinion but I do not intend to, and burdens.
thanks yen and still hear it!