Elem Rodo,
Primio sms, procitato mail-ove:
1. Znam sta he lupus al cu jos da pricitam
2. Nisam kanio nikome da pricam - el se ne zna dal imas lupus, em je to intimna stvar
3. O nasoj administraciji, zdravtvu, skolstvu, ne vredi ni govoriti
4. Ali jos manje ima smisfa govoriti o ljudima, nasim i drugim, kako lazu, kako su nemoralni i cesto pokvareni
5. Kod nas se na to nadovezuje i NEPROFESIONALIZAM (ovi pod 4 su inostranstvu i dalje, uglavnom, profesionalni)
6. Da LAZU ljude i vracaju ih po upute ( ti ljudi ce da se VRATE sa uputima ili sa ogromnim gnevom) samo zasto sto nemaju reagense je u najmanju raku za neku inspekciju, da ih kazni,
podeli im otkaze i slicno. Stravicno. Treba ih na sve moguce nacine prijaviti-ali..da li kod nas vlada zakon?
Mislim da he odgovor jasan
Rodo elem
received sms, read e-mails:
1 I know what lupus but he'll have to pricitam
2 I intended to talk to anyone - not electric knows if you have lupus, em is intimate
3 of our administration, zdravtvu, education, not worth talking
4 but much less has smisfa talk about people, and our other, to lie, as immoral and often corrupt
5here is that supplements and professionalism (those under 4 are still abroad, mainly professional)
6 lie to the people and return them to the user (these people can go back to the instructions or with great anger) just because they do not have the reagents in the grave for a minimum inspection, to punish them,
share their failures and the like. horribly. to them in all possible ways to apply-but ..whether it is the law here?
I think he answer is clear